Sunday, July 27, 2014

Babies that start with the letter E

'Babies' for $500, Alex!

 Baby # 1                                                                               Baby # 2

Baby #1

Baby # 2

Baby #1 with one Piggy                                                                    Baby # 2 with two Piggies

And She Is Off!

Yesterday Emily started to crawl, just in time for our trip to the beach next week!

Friday, July 25, 2014

New Cousin!

As of July 17th, Ellie and Emily have a new cousin! Emerson Jacob - born 5 lbs 13 oz at 1:10 am on the 17th. A little earlier than expected, but I am happy to report everyone is doing great! We can't wait to meet him. So happy for David and Amy.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Darcy's Birthday + Trip to the Zoo

This weekend we celebrated Darcy's Birthday and visited the Southwick Zoo with friends.

First the zoo.

The Gang doing their best monkey impersonations. 

We also celebrated D's birthday today. 

Em and El help open D's presents. 

A new travel coffee cup, two magnetic refrigerator note pads, and a new toy for Emily. 

Yours truly with the Girls. 


Not cool Dad, not cool.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Emily Is 6 Months Old Today!

Well that flew by. Here are some pics from this weekend of Emily @ 6 months. We celebrated by going out for ice cream this afternoon.



The tree guys came and gave our front yard a serious hair cut. The Crabapple tree, Flowering Quince, Burning Bush, Rhododendron, and Japanese Andromeda all were cut back substantially.

The Crabapple tree even looks like a normal tree now.

Meanwhile the flower garden is doing great! We are really enjoying looking at all the different types and colors of Wild Flowers we planted in May. Still waiting for the Blazing Star to bloom. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July 4th Weekend

We had a really low key July 4th weekend. The only excitement was the rain from Hurricane Arthur on Friday. We even lost power for a few hours. Mostly the girls just played together.  

Ellie gives Emily a checkup 
With Emily sitting-up now we broke out the Duckie Tub for baths. Ellie even got in on the action. 

Couch snuggles!

Bubble time! 


Ellie enjoyed showing Emily how to swing. 

Em enjoyed her teething crackers. 

El enjoyed her Popsicle.

Emily doing some push-ups 

Ellie riding her trike (she even rode it up to the playground). 

Emily seeking, Ellie hiding!