Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkins, Parties, and Track Class

Another busy weekend here in Boston.

We enrolled Ellie in a 1 hour introduction to track and field, complete with hurdles, shot-put, long jump, and the 50 yard dash. I was on Emily duty back at home, but I heard Ellie did a great job participating. When she came home she told me all about it.

Pumpkin Carving. 

Ellie's friend Avery turned four and had a killer birthday party at the local athletic / sports club. They were able to dress up (like princesses) and do lots of running around. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Walking Update

Emmy is starting to test out her walking legs, with the help of a walker. She is a bit erratic, has her fair share of face plants but is really determined. Giver her another 6 weeks and I think she will have it figured out.

Here is a video, although I can't figure out how to rotate it. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hayride and Pumpkins

The highlight of this weekend was a trip to Wards Berry Farm for a costume themed hayride out to a pumpkin patch. Ellie went as Doc McStuffins (a practical choice over princess dresses given the mud at the farm). It was a great fall day, complete with a rainbow. They also had a bouncy house that Ellie enjoyed jumping in. 

The rest of the weekend we chased Emily around. She is is into everything, and after weeks of trying was finally able to sneak up on Hobbes. She has also decided to start carrying a sock in her mouth as she crawls around, probably related to the fact that her 4 top teeth are starting to poke through.

I felt bad for taking it away and finally just gave her a clean sock and let her go for it. 

In other news, the wild flowers that I planted way back in May are mostly dead. Except for what I think is the Cosmos Sensation. They keep going and going (although it is supposed to be down to 32 tonight). Some of these are easily over 6 feet. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Trip to Indiana

Apologies for the lack of recent posts but Ellie, Emily and I took a trip to Indiana to visit everyone and so that I could attend a conference in Chicago. We had a great time meeting Baby Emerson, watching the Purdue Marching Band, spending time at Dad's office and the old farm, as well as seeing everyone. We also had some good midwestern fun by navigating a corn maze.

Mom and Dad watched both girls while I was in Chicago for a few days, and everyone survived.

I managed to survive the flights with the girls. Darcy was able to be at home for 10 days with peace and quiet.

Here are the highlights.

Meeting Emerson

Visiting Macro's Office and Lab 

Ellie teaching Macro a thing or two! 


Visiting the Old Farm 

Playing at Nano and Macro's