Saturday, June 18, 2016

Mini Olympics

A big week for Ellie. Graduation yesterday and today she participated in Mini Olympics. Her events consisted of vault, balance beam, bars, and a floor routine. 

Pre-Match Huddle. 

Balance Beam 

The Bars

Floor Routine

Post - Match Ceremony. These days everyone medals. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Graduation Day

Today Ellie graduated from Jr. Kindergarten. They had a very nice ceremony and Ellie led the whole class in singing the national Anthem. Afterwords the kids played and ate cake. 

Emily also had a great week and is using the potty with some frequency now! 

We are really proud of both girls. 

Ellie with her teacher Ms. Stella. She did an amazing job with the kids and I think Ellie wants to be just like her. 

Later that evening we celebrated the weeks accomplishments by taking the girls out to dinner and then rode a ferris wheel. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cousin Sleep Over

This weekend I took the girls down to San Diego for a cousin sleep over with Anne and Owen. 

Owen wasted no time in engaging me in a wrastlin' match. Although a bit rusty he fails to realize I had two brothers and still have a few moves.

After dinner at a local Pizza joint we hit the park. 

The kiddos slept pretty well but nothing like having my bed overtaken at 6 in the morning!

Meanwhile Jody and Darcy spent a nice relaxing night up here exploring Laguna Beach (again) and then going on a 10 mile hike sunday morning.  

Week With GJ and Bobpa

Over Memorial Weekend GJ and Bobpa visited. Always great to have them out but extra nice because they did a 27 hour stretch with the kids while Darcy and spent time away in Carlsbad.

Judging by the pictures they had a lot of fun. 

Exploring Laguna Beach. I hear they make a great Moscow Mule.