Saturday, March 25, 2017

Macro Visits!

Two weekend and two grandparents! This time it was Macro who was out with Jeff and Jody in San Diego. 

Owen getting some special batting practice in with Dad. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Nano Visits!

With all the travel (I to Seattle WA and Darcy to Austin TX) we had to fly in Nano to provide cover. 

Over the weekend we spent time with the San Diego Reifenbergers 

These two look like they are going on 15! 

Em has really been getting into her Preschool class! 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Green Mermaids

Well Spring Soccer has started. Ellie is on the Green team and they landed on the Mermaids as their team name. 

They came up a little short this week but Ellie had their only goal. 

Ellie is #9. 

Em had fun on the sidelines with her friend Heidi. 

Later in the day there was a party up the street - with yet another face painting station! 


CA Snow Day!

Well this is strange......the daycare held a fundraiser and as part of the event  hired a company to make snow on the playground.... on a 70 degree day. I guess these SoCal kids don't get much exposure. 

At least I didn't have to shovel! 

There was even a face painting station!