Saturday, October 5, 2019

Fall Update

Since getting back from Hawaii - Busy Busy these past few weeks........ Darcy has been in Seattle for work, and Cincy for a friends 40th birthday. I took a "quick" trip to Korea and spent several days this past week in Huntington beach, also for work. 

In between, the girls have their soccer and softball practices w/ games on the weekend. Ellie has also had some cool girl scout trips.

Both are keeping up with their school work.....oh and the dermatologist was concerned about a stripe in my finger nail (a sign of subungual melanoma) so I am now missing one of my finger nails.

Here is standard prep. on Sunday evening getting all the practice and uniforms laid out for the week.....

Don't have a lot of sports pictures because one of us is usually coaching and the other is at the other game. 

That being said - Em is doing great getting a couple goals each game and hitting really well off coach pitch (me). Ellie is doing well, trying to compete at a higher level in soccer, but both her teams (softball and soccer) are really struggling.....competition outside of Aliso is tough out here in SoCal.

Here is the line in my nail that got my dermatologist freaked out.....bottom line they pulled my finger nail off and biopsied it. It was negative for melonoma which was the concern.

Last weekend, we went to a LA Galxay game with Ellie's girl scout troop which was fun, first MLS game. The Galaxy lost to the Whitecaps 4 to 3.

This past week Ellie's troop took a trip to Mission Viejo Transmission and Auto Repair for a "Girls in the Garage" event and learned how to change a tire and change oil. How awesome is that - teach these girls how to turn a wrench!! And Ellie won a dance competition that was somehow associated with this event..........not sure about that but she came back with $50 as a prize.......

A few weeks ago, Darcy traveled to Cincy for a 40th b-day party and seeing old friends. 


And I took a trip to Korea to spends a few days in our Seoul office.

Well that was Sept 2019.........