Sunday, January 24, 2021

Girl Scout Cookies

 End of January means Girl Scout Cookie season. Sales look a little different this year b/c of Covid. No door to door sales and no booths in front of stores. Instead you can set-up shop in front of your house - which we did today. 


Sales were fairly brisk for the 2-hrs we were "open". For the last 15 minutes the neighbor girls came over and provide Ellie with some extra marketing by cheering when cars would drive by. We managed to real in a few cars that were driving by and Ellie paid her co-workers with some cookies!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Darcy's New Desk



In other updates - Darcy got a new standing desk. She is not going back to the office anytime soon.


Emily is 7!


 We had a great day celebrating Emily's 7th Birthday today. We couldn't be more proud of her. She continues to grow and amaze us everyday. She loves animals, wrastling, playing predator / prey, soccer/softball, and every now and again she will still snuggle with you. She can be sweet and sassy, determined and silly, competitive and caring. She is doing great in 1st grade enjoys math it seems.


Before we get to this years B-day here is a look back. 








For her birthday this year we decorated a bit to make her feel special on her day, similar to what we did for Ellie last month.

Covid is still raging which takes the fun out of everything so another socially distanced style birthday celebration with some of the neighbor girls + Krispy Kreme donuts.

After the alley celebration we celebrated as a family with Panera (Emily's favorite) for diner, presents, and more Krispy Kreme donuts.

Present time!


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Cousin Sleepover



After we opened presents on Christmas morning we drove down to San Diego in the afternoon and had a Christmas dinner with Jeff, Jody, Anne, Owen.  After dinner we then drove back to OC with Anne and Owen who stayed with us through the weekend. With Covid raging in S. Cal. we had to find our own fun at the house or spend time outside but we still managed to have a lot of fun. 

 Showing off our "dance" moves on the Wii Just Dance: 


Hiking - so cool this nature preserve is just about 2 miles from our house.

Afterwards some blizzards from DQ.



Exploring a new playground / park:

Darcy teaching the finer points of Lacross.


And of course keeping these kids fed!!