After 48 hours of multiple vomiting and poop explosions, we took Emily to the ER on Friday night. Poor thing had what was described as a "massive UTI". We spent around 5 hours in the pediatric ER until we were admitted to the pediatric ward. We were discharged Saturday afternoon and she seems to be on the mend.
The bad news: between Thursday morning and Saturday night D and I have done more loads of laundry and have been puked on more times than I care to think about. The good news: it seems with some antibiotics Emily is looking much better. Plus, after being washed around four times in the last few days, her car seat cover will probably never be so clean.
Here we are at around 2:30 am after finally getting Emily settled and to sleep. Darcy and Ellie left the hospital around 11:00 while I pulled an all nighter with Emily.
The next day (the diapers wrapped around her left arm are to cover the IV catheter).
The pediatric ward had a killer toy room that Ellie had all to her self.
Saturday afternoon nap time, with Rainbow Dash.
I snapped this picture a few hours ago, I think the old Emily is back.