Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Winter Storm Juno

We survived Juno! Depending on where I measure in the driveway we received either 19 or 29 inches. 

Officially, Boston recieved 23.3 inches (Logan Airport) making it the 6th greatest snow fall in Boston's history. Winter Storm Nemo (Feb 2013) had 24.9 inches. Many other towns in the area officially had over 30 inches (typically the surrounding communities get more than Boston proper) associated with Juno. 

So, in the 5 winters we have lived here we have now seen 2 out of the 6 largest snow storms in Boston history! 

For reference, the largest snow storm in Boston's history was in 2003 (27.6 inches). Here is a whole slew of pictures. 

Time Lapse of Juno. I tried to take the same picture every 4 to 5 hours. 

8:00 am Monday morning (before Juno hits) 

4:30 pm Monday (just as snow is starting to fall) 

8:00 pm Monday 

10:30 pm Monday 

2:30 am Tuesday (was up with Emily) 

7:30 am Tuesday

11:30 am Tuesday 

4:00 pm Tuesday (essentially the end of Juno)

Other pictures during the storm

The Clean-up 

Since all the doors where snowed in, the only way out was through the Garage door. When I opened it, I found ~ 29 inches had piled up. 
Insane drift under the kitchen window and below are trash bins, easily 48 inches back there. 

Olaf, our snowman (before Juno) 

Olaf, (after Juno) - all you can see are the tips of his hands. He needs a warm hug. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Round 1

This weekend we had maybe 4 to 5 inches of snow. The most we have had all winter. However, this is just the warm-up. From Monday evening to Wednesday morning we are supposed to receive well over a foot. Current predictions are 18 to 24 inches, with some local areas receiving closer to 30 inches. 

Thankfully I finally have an assistant who can help with shoveling duty. 

Even Emily got in on the action. 

Sledding down the "hill" in our yard. 

Baby, What Baby?

Emily is looking more and more like a toddler and less like a baby. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Emily Birthday #2

This time with friends! Avery and her little sister Lexi, Riley and her little brother Kellan. The kids had a fun time playing together. Emily still not really feeling the cake, but she is getting molars in so it is excused. 

Emily showing off her walking skills.