Monday, January 5, 2015

Christmas in Lafayette

Christmas in Lafayette with 8 adults and 5 children between the ages of 6 months and 5.5 was fun but fairly chaotic. Here are some favorite pictures from the week. 

Waiting for the San Diego Reifenbergers to arrive. 

Emily and Dad were best buds this trip. A big turnaround from October when she didn't want anything to do with him. 

Mom with Emerson. 

Dad enjoyng time with Owen, Emily, and Emerson 

Anne and Ellie playing Frozen. 

Emerson loving the attention from Ellie and Anne. 

Everyone excited to open presents (except Emily). 

Ellie and Anne holding tight to Uncle David.  

Owen eating! We hope his skills rub off on Ellie. 

Making Minnie's Cinnamon Rolls. I can't tell if Dad is eagerly waiting for the rolls or going straight for the bottle of Jameson. 

Movie Night (Mary Poppins) with Mom. 

Of the nearly 605,000 seconds (1 weeks worth) we spent together, we were only able to get all the kids seated and relatively happy for ~ 30 seconds (0.0049% of the total time). 

Having fun at the Buccaneer Bay Indoor Water Park:

Uncle David going down the big slide. 

At the Indy Children's Museum: 

Ellie and I going down the Holiday Slide together (we waited in line 45 minutes for a 3 second ride........I don't think I would survive Disney)

We feel Emily is transitioning from baby phase and going into toddler phase. 

She loves to look at books. 

Emily and Darcy looking cute together. 

She carries markers in her hands whenever she can. 

She knows where her tongue is and shows it off, whenever asked. 

Loves spending time upside down. Also, has 4 teeth up top, 2 on the bottom, with molars poking through as well. 

Unfortunately, all good things must come to a end :(


  1. looked like you guys had fun!!!

  2. These are such great pix! Looks like a good time was had by all, most of the time!!!!
