Monday, March 9, 2015

Phoenix Trip

Last week we traded the cold and snow of Boston for a week in sunny Phoenix visiting Darcy's family. We had a great time seeing everyone, and meeting our new nephew, Connor James. 

Here are just a few of the highlights:

Family Time: 

Ellie with Darcy's cousins, Maddie and Jocelyn. 

Riveted by Cinderella. 

An intense game of tic-tac-toe with Minnie. 

Adventure Time 

This sweet giraffe begrudgingly came over for snacks at Wildlife World. 

Ellie singing to a Cholla (perhaps the jumping variety?), a few moments latter she stepped on one. 

Emmy was fascinated by all the rocks, all she sees in Boston is snow. 

"Push Ellie, push"

Playing with Cousins 

Emmy and Katelyn playing with GJ's exercise ball. 

Uncle Matty's facial hair, always a good time with the kids. 

Ellie and Katelyn running errands in their cars. 

Fascinating dinner conversation between Emmy, Ellie, and Katelyn. 

Last but not least, Darcy and I were able to spend some time with our new nephew. He was born on Feb. 24th, a bit earlier than expected but is doing well. We were so glad we were able to meet him. 


  1. As always, it was a wonderful visit & the time went way too fast!

  2. As always, it was a wonderful visit & the time went way too fast!
