Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

For Thanksgiving this year we went to Phoenix. Darcy and the girls (including GJ) drove out Saturday. I followed a few days later via air. Sure was great to see everyone! 

Katelyn, Emmy, and Ellie celebrating Minnie's 86th birthday on Monday. 

For Thanksgiving Bob and Jamie hosted the entire clan. For a few minutes were even able to get everyone to sit reasonably still. 

Dr. Friedman with the girls. 

Katelyn and Emmy. 

Ellie entertaining Connor. 

Emmy enjoying a pre-Thanksgiving Peanutbutter and Nuttela sandwich. 

Riding the Daisy Mountain Express at the local Anthem park. 

On Friday, Jamie and Bob watched all the grandkiddos while Darcy, Stacey, David and I went our for dinner and a movie. Judging by this picture everyone behaved. 


  1. We had such a great time having everyone together. Great post, Matt.

  2. We had such a great time having everyone together. Great post, Matt.
