Sunday, May 22, 2016


A lot of travel lately so I need to get caught up. 

Last weekend Darcy took the kids to the aquarium and took this picture of them posing with the penguins. Ellie looks really grown-up. 

This weekend has been fairly laid back. Some gymnastics and face painting, and might go to the beach still.

Didn't know Darcy had face painting as a hidden talent. 

Ellie as Wonder Woman: 

Emmy as Hello Kitty: 

Emmy and Ellie continue to excel in their gymnastics. 

I got Ellie a glove this weekend and we have spent a lot of time working on throwing and catching. 

By the end of the weekend Emmy was pooped! 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there. The girls made Darcy breakfast in bed. 

Yesterday was gymnastics for the girls. I was with Ellie and Darcy was with Emily. Ellie continues to do a good job with her flips and handstands. 

Silly Emmy 

serious Ellie

Last week we got together with the Southern branch of the SoCal Reifenberger's.  Darcy painted some faces and this picture will live in infamy!