Sunday, May 22, 2016


A lot of travel lately so I need to get caught up. 

Last weekend Darcy took the kids to the aquarium and took this picture of them posing with the penguins. Ellie looks really grown-up. 

This weekend has been fairly laid back. Some gymnastics and face painting, and might go to the beach still.

Didn't know Darcy had face painting as a hidden talent. 

Ellie as Wonder Woman: 

Emmy as Hello Kitty: 

Emmy and Ellie continue to excel in their gymnastics. 

I got Ellie a glove this weekend and we have spent a lot of time working on throwing and catching. 

By the end of the weekend Emmy was pooped! 


  1. Miss these girls so much. Miss Mom & Dad, too!

  2. Miss these girls so much. Miss Mom & Dad, too!
