Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sporty Weekend

For the next few months our weekends are going to consist of soccer, gymnastics, softball, and whatever else we can cram in. 

Em. doing her gymnastics - all set to go. 

Ellie had her first soccer game (Purple Pandas, #3). This year they have goalies! I was at gymnastics so I missed most of the game but I heard she did great. They lost 1 to 0. 

On Sunday, Ellie had her first softball / t-ball game (Pink Panthers, #11). She did great, and was even given the game ball! 

Same pre-game warmups 

And then on to the game! 

Ellie had a couple of really good defensive plays at second base! 

Mom and Emmy playing PawPatrols. 

We also made it to the pool! 

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