Saturday, September 8, 2018

Soccer begin!

First games were today and this year Em is finally old enough to play! 

Emily is #7 on the Purple Ponies. Em has clearly benefited from watching her older sister for the past few years. Before anyone else knew what was was going on she had already scored 2 goals. She ended up with 4 total. Not sure the final score but I think they won. 

Some pre-game warm-up / practice. 

Game time! 

Ellie had the 2nd game today and is #2 on the Maroon Mayhem. First year at the 10U level. She looked a bit flat in the first half but scored a goal late in the 4th quarter - they won 5 to 3 against the teal team. 

Camera wasn't working so had to use my phone which doesn't work well on such a big field. 

They had Ellie make the opening kick to start the game. 

Both girls were pretty gassed by the end of the morning but all and all a great start to the season. 

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