Saturday, April 25, 2020

Covid Week #6

Week #6 in the books. No real updates here.

My observation is that Ellie is like a nomad moving from room to do her school work. Here she has made a standing desk on her bed. 

Em either working hard or hardly working, as they say. Hard to know what is really going on here. I think she is actually taking a snooze but making it look like she is working.......  

I guess the big news here is that Emily's front tooth FINALLY came out! It had been loose for MONTHS going back to the fall. The best part, it finally fell out while she was watching TV!! Here is one of the last pictures I have of Em with her tooth clearly protruding out. It was actually starting to cut her lower lip :)).
Here she is post-tooth lose and going all bugs bunny on a carrot with her new tooth!

Hmmmmm pancakes for dinner!!

Emily has been learning about patriotic symbols in school, can you tell? 

Girls on a virtual Girl Scout meeting

On the pet front, our caterpillars turned into their chrysalis phase! Darcy bravely and delicately moved them into the net. Should have butterflies in a few days!

* As of Friday April 24 there are 1,845 confirmed cases in Orange County and 36 deaths.
* As of Friday April 17 there are 1,501 confirmed cases in Orange County and 28 deaths.
* As of Friday April 10 there are 1,138 confirmed cases in Orange County and 17 deaths
* As of Friday April 3 there are 711 confirmed cases in Orange County and 13 deaths.
* As of Friday March 27 there are 321 confirmed cases in Orange County and 3 deaths. 

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