Friday, May 22, 2020

Covid week #10

This week, on the16th, Darcy and I celebrated our 11th wed. anniversary!! Never did I think we would celebrate in quarantine..... we got dressed up a bit (at least out of our quarantine cloths) and ordered some food to bring back to the house. The girls thought it was fun to take our pictures - so here you go from our "photo shoot".

Several times a week as part of our morning routine we start our day with a little yoga. I was a little skeptical at first but it has really helped with my back pain. Anyhow, with some help from Emily I was able to do this! 

Ellie is def. going through a growth spurt because she is eating us out of house and home. We joke with her that she is like a teenage boy (and kinda gross like one too). She is def. ready for 4th grade. 

And when she isn't eating she is doing cartwheels CONSTANTLY around the house. It is driving Darcy and I CRAZY......

Emily is doing well to. She has mastered her kindergarten zoom meetings, climbing on top of our outdoor fireplace, and using chopsticks to eat her Cheetos - which is brilliant b/c it keeps the fingers free of Cheeto dust!  

After the snails, ant farm, and caterpillars we have turned toward botany. Darcy got each of the girls a root viewer garden. They had fun mixing the dirt, planting some seeds, and adding the water.

The fish tank looking thing in the pic. below is the "garden". Each girl has one.  Ellie planted carrots and Emily planted radishes. Maybe in a couple months we can harvest. 

* As of Friday May 22 there are 4,941 confirmed cases in Orange county and 118 deaths.
* As of Friday May 15 there are 4,125 confirmed cases in Orange County and 84 deaths.
* As of Friday May 8 there are 3,240 confirmed cases in Orange County and 71 deaths.
* As of Friday May 1 there are 2,537 confirmed cases in Orange County and 50 deaths.
* As of Friday April 24 there are 1,845 confirmed cases in Orange County and 36 deaths.
* As of Friday April 17 there are 1,501 confirmed cases in Orange County and 28 deaths.
* As of Friday April 10 there are 1,138 confirmed cases in Orange County and 17 deaths
* As of Friday April 3 there are 711 confirmed cases in Orange County and 13 deaths.
* As of Friday March 27 there are 321 confirmed cases in Orange County and 3 deaths.

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