Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day Weekend


Not much going on here since the start of school. Girls seem to be adjusting to their virtual school ok and rumor has it there is a chance (fingers crossed) that school will start end of Sept. / early October assuming the numbers here in Orange County keep moving in the right direction. 

Ellie is doing softball a few days each week but no games planned. Emily is going to start soccer shortly and just moved up to level-5 in her swimming class.

Labor day weekend here was HOT HOT HOT! We kept a pretty low profile and tried as best we could to beat the heat. There was a handful of neighbors that got together Friday evening up in the parking lot, tailgate style. Sunday we went to the beach for a few hours to cool down.


Emily in swim class: 


This is from Sunday around 1:00pm - 108 Degrees! 



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