Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mothers Day Weekend


A very relaxing weekend here as we didn't have any softball games or practices for the first time in months and for the last time until late June.......gulp.  


On Saturday we went down to Jeff and Jody's to hang out at the new house and we also got to watch one of Owen's games. On Sunday mostly relaxed. 



And with that I think I am mostly caught-up. Allstar practices start tomorrow and I think we have games and tournaments and practices probably everynight until end of June.........

Spring Break - Zion and PHX


For Spring break this year we drove out to Zion National Park and spent a few days exploring the park before driving down to PHX and then heading home.  It was a great change of scenery. Too many pics. to post but here is a sampler.


Ohh and before we got out of dodge Darcy and I received our first vaccine. We have since received our second vaccine (Moderna). We rented a van to keep the miles down and just to do something different which the kids thought was cool. 


Zion was a breath of fresh air with amazing views and scenery. 



We went on a horse ride in the park. Emily led the way and just yucked it up with our lead wrangler the entire time. 


After a few days in Zion we hoped in the car and drove down to PHX. Great views in N. Arizona as we drove by the Grand Canyon. 



In PHX we had a few days to visit with Family etc.


Big Reif's Movers


In early April Dad and Uncle David flew out for a long weekend to help Jeff and Jody move into their new house. Seeing as how I hadn't seen them in well over a year I took the girls out of school on a Friday and we spent the day in SD with them and helping Jeff move. 


Lunch Break

 Nap time!!


Emily getting her last swing in at the old house! She really loved this swing.

But the new house has a pool complete with a water slide and hot tub!

And what visit wouldn't be complete without a game of catch!