Saturday, October 1, 2022


 Can't believe we are now in October and the first 7 weeks of school are in the rear view mirror. Girls are going great. Emily is really liking 3rd grade and Ellie is doing great so far in middle school.

Jeff and Jody and Co. came up back in August - right after school started. After a nice dinner at the club we left the kids at home to put themselves to sleep and the adults went to the Pageant of the Masters. 

End of summer neighborhood pool party. 

Ellie got her braces off about a month ago and is looking more grown up every day. Not to mention she never stops eating and moving...

Over Labor Day the girls went down and spent some time in SD with Jeff and Jody and Co. 

While they were in SD I took my first international trip since COVID struck. Spent a week in SEA, several days in Maylasia and then on to Thailand. The highlight was probably touring the grounds of the grand palace in Thailand. 


The other week Ellie went to Disney with her entire softball team. They left the house at 7am and didn't back until ~10:30 pm. They had a blast and the best part there were no parents!! 

And finally last Saturday Darcy took the girls to the theatre to see a local ballet production. 

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